exida Innovation

exSILentia v4 Online
$ 4,260.00
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exSILentia® streamlines the Process Safety Management work process and the Safety Instrumented System Functional Safety Lifecycle by providing:
- Easy to use best-in-class tools
- Intelligent lifecycle knowledge integration
- Ground breaking enterprise leverage
exSILentia® 4 is available as Individual Modules:
- PHA - Process Hazards Analysis module only
- LOPA - Layer of Protection Analysis module only
- PHA + LOPA - Process Hazards Analysis and Layer of Protection Analysis modules only
- Alarm - Alarm Rationalization module only
Or as a Package:
- Standard - Base functionality for all users requiring functional safety standard compliance
- Analysis - Additional functionality for the process hazards analysis phases of the safety lifecycle
- Operation - Additional functionality for the operation phases of the safety lifecycle
- Ultimate - Complete exSILentia safety lifecycle tool functionality